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Sends JVM-metrics as well as Apache NiFi-metrics to a Azure Log Analytics workspace.Apache NiFi-metrics can be either configured global or on process-group level.


azure, metrics, reporting, log analytics


Send JVM MetricsОтправка показателей JVM в дополнение к показателям NiFi
Идентификатор рабочей области Log AnalyticsИдентификатор рабочей области Log AnalyticsSensitive Property: trueSupports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using Environment variables only)
Настраиваемое название журнала Log AnalyticsНастраиваемое название журнала Log AnalyticsSupports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using Environment variables only)
Log Analytics Workspace KeyКлюч рабочей области Azure Log AnalyticsSensitive Property: trueSupports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using Environment variables only)
Application IDИдентификатор приложения, который будет включен в метрики, отправляемые в Azure Log Analytics WSSupports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using Environment variables only)
Instance IDИдентификатор этого экземпляра NiFi, который будет включен в метрики, отправляемые в Azure Log Analytics WSSupports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using Environment variables only)
Process group ID(s)If specified, the reporting task will send metrics the configured ProcessGroup(s) only. Multiple IDs should be separated by a comma. If none of the group-IDs could be found or no IDs are defined, the Root Process Group is used and global metrics are sent.Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using Environment variables only)
Job NameНазвание задания по экспортуSupports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using Environment variables only)
Формат конечной точки URL Log AnalyticsФормат конечной точки URL Log AnalyticsSupports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using Environment variables only)

